Teach Us to Pray


What is the point of prayer if God already knows what we need? This is a question I’ve struggled with for many years. I still don’t have all the answers. But what I do know is this – God wants us to pray. So, if you’re anything like me, and you’ve wondered why we ought to pray, this song is for you. Let’s turn to God himself and he will teach us how to pray according to his design.

This FULL PACKAGE is your most comprehensive resource for singing Raluca’s new modern hymn “Teach Us to Pray” with your congregation, with your choir, as a solo etc. It includes written out sheets, lead sheets, chord charts – something for every musician! These resources can be used in traditional churches as well as contemporary churches. The PDF scores and MP3 recordings come in different keys, and you choose whichever is easiest for you to sing or play!

THE FULL PACKAGE INCLUDES (basically all other packages combined):
• Hymnal-style SATB sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• Original recording lead sheet (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• Simplified lead sheets – melody, chords, lyrics (PDF)
• Simplified chord charts – chords + lyrics (PDF)
• SATB + piano choral anthem sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• SAB + piano choral anthem sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• LOW voice + piano sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• HIGH voice + piano sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)

The song is registered with CCLI – 7219286

This digital package is a compressed ZIP file. After downloading it, be sure to unarchive it to access all the PDF and mp3 files inside.

DOWNLOAD your digital FULL PACKAGE of “Teach Us to Pray” now!

Should you encounter any technical difficulties post-purchase, email me at raluca@ralucabojor.com and I’ll send you the file directly to your inbox!

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What is the point of prayer if God already knows what we need? This is a question I’ve struggled with for many years. I still don’t have all the answers. But what I do know is this – God wants us to pray. So, if you’re anything like me, and you’ve wondered why we ought to pray, this song is for you. Let’s turn to God himself and he will teach us how to pray according to his design.

This FULL PACKAGE is your most comprehensive resource for singing Raluca’s new modern hymn “Teach Us to Pray” with your congregation, with your choir, as a solo etc. It includes written out sheets, lead sheets, chord charts – something for every musician! These resources can be used in traditional churches as well as contemporary churches. The PDF scores and MP3 recordings come in different keys, and you choose whichever is easiest for you to sing or play!

THE FULL PACKAGE INCLUDES (basically all other packages combined):
• Hymnal-style SATB sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• Original recording lead sheet (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• Simplified lead sheets – melody, chords, lyrics (PDF)
• Simplified chord charts – chords + lyrics (PDF)
• SATB + piano choral anthem sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• SAB + piano choral anthem sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• LOW voice + piano sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• HIGH voice + piano sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)

The song is registered with CCLI – 7219286

This digital package is a compressed ZIP file. After downloading it, be sure to unarchive it to access all the PDF and mp3 files inside.

DOWNLOAD your digital FULL PACKAGE of “Teach Us to Pray” now!

Should you encounter any technical difficulties post-purchase, email me at raluca@ralucabojor.com and I’ll send you the file directly to your inbox!

What is the point of prayer if God already knows what we need? This is a question I’ve struggled with for many years. I still don’t have all the answers. But what I do know is this – God wants us to pray. So, if you’re anything like me, and you’ve wondered why we ought to pray, this song is for you. Let’s turn to God himself and he will teach us how to pray according to his design.

This FULL PACKAGE is your most comprehensive resource for singing Raluca’s new modern hymn “Teach Us to Pray” with your congregation, with your choir, as a solo etc. It includes written out sheets, lead sheets, chord charts – something for every musician! These resources can be used in traditional churches as well as contemporary churches. The PDF scores and MP3 recordings come in different keys, and you choose whichever is easiest for you to sing or play!

THE FULL PACKAGE INCLUDES (basically all other packages combined):
• Hymnal-style SATB sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• Original recording lead sheet (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• Simplified lead sheets – melody, chords, lyrics (PDF)
• Simplified chord charts – chords + lyrics (PDF)
• SATB + piano choral anthem sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• SAB + piano choral anthem sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• LOW voice + piano sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)
• HIGH voice + piano sheet music (PDF) + piano track (mp3)

The song is registered with CCLI – 7219286

This digital package is a compressed ZIP file. After downloading it, be sure to unarchive it to access all the PDF and mp3 files inside.

DOWNLOAD your digital FULL PACKAGE of “Teach Us to Pray” now!

Should you encounter any technical difficulties post-purchase, email me at raluca@ralucabojor.com and I’ll send you the file directly to your inbox!

JOIN Patreon and access the full sheet music library! Click here to learn more!


Teach us to pray,
Our heavenly Father!
Your church empower
As we kneel down.
Help us to wait
With each passing hour;
May we uncover
Peace so profound!

Teach us to pray, declaring your glory!
Teach us to pray for wisdom divine!
Trusting your way in writing our story,
Your kingdom come
And your will be done!
Down on our knees we will stay,
Teach us to pray!

Teach us to pray
In moments so dire,
Troubled by trials,
Crushed by despair.
Help us obey
By Spirit and fire.
May your desire
Kindle our prayer!

Teach us to pray, declaring your glory!
Teach us to pray for wisdom divine!
Trusting your way in writing our story:
Your kingdom come
And your will be done!
Down on our knees we will stay,
Teach us to pray!

Teach us to pray
For holy redemption:
Your resurrection –
Our living hope!
And on that day
Of great celebration
Your whole creation
Will be restored!

Then we will pray declaring your glory
All of our days in sweet harmony,
Pardoned and saved, forever adoring:
Your kingdom come
And your will be done!
As we await for that day,
Teach us to pray!

Words and music by Raluca Bojor
© 2023 Raluca Bojor. All Rights Reserved.
CCLI song ID 7219286

Raluca Bojor is a Romanian Christian musician based in the USA. She specializes in writing piano arrangements of church hymns and in writing original modern hymns for the church. Listen to her music on any streaming platform!

Note: Here on my website you will find all my piano arrangements of public domain hymns as well as my original works. For my piano arrangements of copyrighted hymns (i.e. In Christ Alone, Mary Did You Know, Speak O Lord etc) please visit musicnotes.com 

Should you encounter any technical difficulties post purchase, email me and I’ll send you the PDF directly to your inbox – raluca@ralucabojor.com

Holy Spirit God of Love
We See the Wounded Lamb of God
Standing Firm Through Christ Alone
God Moves In a Mysterious Way
How Much Longer Shall We Wait